South Africa’s rich history dates back to some of the earliest human settlements in the world. From colonisation to the discovery of gold and diamond, and from the formation of black resistance to the abolishment of apartheid, the country has witnessed some of the biggest events in history. As one would expect, South Africa is full of famous, historical attractions. Take a look at five of these incredible venues!
The Apartheid Museum
Established in the year 2001, the Apartheid Museum is designed to showcase life under South Africa’s Apartheid system from 1948 to 1990. The repository features text panels, photographs, film footage, artefacts, and over 22 individual exhibitions. These displays illustrate the events and human stories that were a part of the Apartheid. Undoubtedly, the museum is well worth a visit for history buffs and others who wish to know more about the most challenging time in South African history.
Nelson Mandela Museum
The Nelson Mandela Museum opened its doors to the public on 11th February, 2000 to mark the tenth anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison. This popular museum takes visitors on an inspiring journey through the developments in the life of South Africa’s former President. The three sites – Mvezo (birth place of Mandela), Qunu (Mandela’ childhood village), and Bhunga Building (place where Mandela’s life journey is depicted) – are the highlights of this wonderful museum.
Castle of Good Hope
Steeped in rich history, Castle of Good Hope is one of the oldest colonial style buildings in the world. The building is an excellent example of a ‘star fort’. The castle boasts an array of exhibitions, including the William Ferh Collection (comprising period paintings and furniture), Castle Military Museum (showcasing past battles and wars), and a replica of the original Castle Forge. The 18th century décor is another highlight of the castle.
Anglo-Boer War Museum
Also known as the War Museum of the Boer Republics, the Anglo-Boer War Museum is dedicated to the Anglo-Boer Wars of 1899 to 1902. The museum’s collection consists of nearly 35,000 cultural and historical heritage items, relating to the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. The property also features large paintings depicting war scenes and photographs from concentration camps of South Africa, India, Portugal, and Bermuda.
Blood River Heritage Site
The national monument of Blood River Heritage Site reminds visitors of the historical battle of the Voortrekkers against the Zulus in the year 1838. Named after the river Bloedrivier, the site has Ncome Monument and the Museum Complex on its East, while the Blood River Monument lies to its West. The Granite Jawbone Wagon, The Pyramid-shaped Beacon, The Stone Cairn, The Bronze Wagon Laager, and The Ships Cannon are some of the key highlights of this incredible historical attraction.