Even when people are strapped for cash they will put going on holiday ahead of other luxuries.
Travellers booking flights to South Africa and other nations could be among those who have decided that a holiday is more important than any other luxury.
A study of consumers carried out by Abta – the travel association found that holidays were the one thing people were reluctant to cut back on when their finances became stretched.
In total, 37 per cent said they would not skip going on holiday, while 20 per cent said they would not want to stop eating out and 17 per cent would miss leisure activities like going to the cinema too much to stop.
Victoria Bacon, Abta head of communications, said: “It is very reassuring for the industry to hear that holidays are the least popular choice for the chop and for many, something they simply cannot live without.”
Holidaymakers who are taking flights to South Africa now could pay a visit to the South African Society of Arts exhibition, which is currently taking place in Cape Town.
Written by Anthony Nicholson