Anyone looking for something a little different to a traditional bucket and spade trip this year could consider voluntourism, it has been claimed.
Anyone looking for something a little different to a traditional bucket and spade trip this year could consider voluntourism, it has been claimed.
Writing for, Brad Crouch investigated the growing phenomenon, which combines environmental projects with a stay in the sun.
Mr Crouch points out that travellers can sign up for habitat management, teaching English, building schools and much more in locations all over the world.
As an Australian example, he suggested a holiday with Conservation Volunteers Australia, an organisation that runs projects in the Grampians National Park, Victoria.
Participants work with rangers to conserve small mammals and groups have already seen success, rediscovering the longnosed potoroo and the endangered Southern Brown bandicoot.
“As well as the feel-good aspect of such trips, participants have a much closer connection to the areas they visit,” Mr Crouch said.
Anyone considering voluntourism will be pleased to know they can book flights to Australia with Quantas.