Travelling with kids is not a kid’s job. It takes two full-grown adults (read: parents) to pack their bags, manage them and look after all their needs while travelling. But what if you are travelling alone with a kid or two? The simple tasks like checking in, boarding a flight and getting down from the plane can seem challenging when travelling with kids who are ill-equipped to take care of themselves. That is why we have put together a list of five tips for a single parent travelling alone with kids.
Stay Relaxed, and Your Kids With Imitate You
We all have met that parent who has been trying hard to get their kid to behave, and in the process is looking more restless and anxious than the kid itself, and attracting way more attention than he/she would’ve liked in that situation. Kids are extremely receptive and intuitive, and they mimic the emotions reflected by their parents mostly. So if you don’t want to be the parent on the plane with an anxious kid, stop fretting about being that parent. Try to react in a calm fashion, talk in a polite and low tone, and kids will follow your suit.
A Little Planning Will Take You a Long Way with Kids
Let’s accept it that travelling with kids is going to be entirely different than travelling as a couple, and little planning will take you everywhere, without much stress. Make sure that you have everything that you kid might need including boiled water, nappies, baby food, extra clothing, handkerchiefs or specific type of food etc packed in your hand baggage. Though you might get it on more occasions than not, avoid relying on help from outside once you start travelling with a kid.
Make Allies on the Plane
Because travelling with a kid often leave you with all your hands full, and still an untied shoe lace, a runny nose etc, you might need assistance, especially if you are travelling alone. That is why you should befriend the cabin crew as soon as you spot them. The cabin crew can be a great help while the plane takes off or lands, when you need someone to watch over your kid, or in case you need to exchange seats to make your kids feel better.
Keep Boredom-Management Tools Handy
Boredom is a child’s greatest enemy, and a bored child throwing a tantrum on a plane is not a pretty sight. Besides, annoying fellow passengers, you cause a great deal of anxiety to yourself if you don’t have means to tackle your child’s boredom. Therefore, always travel with your child’s favourite toys, colouring books, iPads etc, so that you can indulge your child as soon as they start feeling bored. You can also channelise your child’s energy into making something creative by taking their craft kit onboard.
Prepare for the Landing till the Time You Take Your Cab
There’s a lot of activity you will be involved in at the time of landing as well as post-landing. And with kids even the simple task of getting down from the plane can seem arduous. Therefore, you need to plan ahead how your kids are going to get down from the plane; where will they be when you check in, or claim baggage and how will you get them to the car/taxi. Such kind of planning prevents you from being clueless about where your kids are, and you are much less stressed about their safety on the flight as well as airport.