A survey has revealed that pregnant women in the UK are concerned about how their condition may affect their travel insurance status.
A survey has revealed that pregnant women in the UK are concerned about how their condition may affect their travel insurance status.
Stuart Bensusan, sales director of insurance firm Essential Travel, said that four out of five such women wish to take so-called babymoons – romantic holidays with their partners while pregnant – but are worried that they may not be covered.
However, he pointed out that most women need not worry, since being pregnant is not classed as a medical condition and a pregnancy is covered as long as the expectant mother is back in the UK within eight weeks of the due delivery date.
In addition, Mr Bensusan said, any emergency expenses will be covered as long as the woman is not expected to give birth within eight weeks of the start of the trip, during the trip or within eight weeks of the end of the trip.
“With a few exceptions, 99 per cent of pregnant women are perfectly fine and will be covered by a standard travel insurance policy. Expectant mums can relax and make the most of a much-needed break before the big day,” he commented.
According to Babycentre.co.uk, holidays to South Africa and Cape Town in particular could be ideal as babymoon destinations, since jet lag will be minimal and there is plenty to see and do.