A growing number of people are now booking their holidays in advance rather than succumbing to the credit crunch and abandoning them, it has been claimed.
A growing number of people are now booking their holidays in advance rather than succumbing to the credit crunch and abandoning them, it has been claimed.
This is according to Ian Bradley, spokesperson for the Association of Independent Tour Operators, who said that the nationwide tightening of belts is forcing Britons to become more savvy with their finances.
“Future bookings are looking quite healthy; people are deciding that they are going to take their holiday next year and want to budget for it at the moment – book it now and save up in the meantime,” he remarked.
Mr Bradley’s comments reinforce the opinion of Sean Tipton from the Association of British Travel Agents, who opined last month that people now see a holiday in the sun as a necessity, not a luxury.
Figures published in the Centurion Luxury Living Index 2008 show that 66 per cent of holidaymakers are now seeking secluded destinations to take them off the beaten track.
Anyone seeking a private resort to look forward to for next year could consider booking flights to Thailand, where holidaymakers can enjoy scenery made famous in the film The Beach starring Leonardo DiCaprio.