People going on gap years before they head off to university could save themselves money by following a few simple guidelines, one company has suggested.

People going on gap years before they head off to university could save themselves money by following a few simple guidelines, one company has suggested. recently found that 50 per cent of gap year travellers fear getting into debt while abroad, but the average person only budgets for a trip costing between £1,000 and £3,000.

This is despite the average trip costing around £4,000.

However, simple measures such as shopping around for travel insurance, budgeting strictly and using a prepaid travel card could cut gap year costs significantly, the company said.

In addition, working abroad during the gap year to earn some extra cash could also be a money-saving option.

Rachael Stiles, spokesperson, said that travellers should easily be able to make their money go further, since food and accommodation is usually cheaper in gap year destinations.

“The last thing you want to be worrying about on your gap year is money so it really is important to save before you go. Research every possible money-saving or money-making avenue – get friends together and have a car boot sale, clean cars, you could even do the ironing for cash,” she attested.

Many people going on gap years book flights to Australia, which is widely seen as one of the best destinations for such a trip.

The country is famed for its laidback lifestyle, beaches and outstanding scenery and paid work is available if necessary.

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