Although companies will be looking for new ways to save money during the credit crunch, they will not cut out business travel altogether.
Although companies will be looking for new ways to save money during the credit crunch, they will not cut out business travel altogether.
This is according to Ken McLeod, director of corporate at Advantage Business Travel Management, who said that while this may apply to the bigger brands which people are already aware of, small or medium-sized companies will still need to promote their name abroad.
“Sure companies are looking very closely at their travel expenses, but they also realise that without the staff getting out there talking to customers, they will not be able to sell,” he pointed out.
A recent report on how travel is responding to the economic downturn by the Business Travel Coalition showed that 34.4 per cent of respondents to a poll said their business is attempting to save money by looking for cheaper flights, as opposed to using business class on the biggest airlines.