People are increasingly looking towards long haul destinations as they seek to make their annual trip in the sun more memorable, it has been claimed.
People are increasingly looking towards long haul destinations as they seek to make their annual trip in the sun more memorable, it has been claimed.
Association of Independent Tour Operators representative Kate Kenward said that everyone dreams of heading to a far-flung country, but that this is becoming increasingly achievable, especially for people on gap years or those changing jobs.
“People think about long hauls because they do make an impact, you are doing something special,” she commented.
The news follows comments from the same organisation earlier this week, which attested that holidays to South Africa and Australia will always be popular with Britons, the former thanks to its favourable place in the time zones and its strong currency, the latter because of its lifestyle and clean beaches.
South Africa and Australia are also frequently voted among the world’s top destinations for those looking for gap year holidays thanks to their range of attractions.