Anyone with a passion for astronomy or simply stargazing may wish to consider booking holidays to Cape Town.

Anyone with a passion for astronomy or simply stargazing may wish to consider booking holidays to Cape Town.

According to IOL, 2009 marks South Africa’s International Year of Astronomy and a host of festivities are due to take place in Cape Town in order to celebrate the event.

Science minister Mosibudi Mangena said that this would include special presentations at various observatories to mark the country’s links with astronomy, which began in 1685 when a temporary observatory was established in Cape Town.

He said that the events are “an opportunity for stimulating the imaginations” of both visitors and local people.

“Astronomy in South Africa is thriving,” he added.

Yesterday (January 26th), Cape Town experienced a practically perfect view of a partial eclipse of the sun, the Witness reported.

Eyewitnesses in the city said they saw the moon block off the top part of the sun and move downwards, even though viewing conditions in other parts of the country had been poor.


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