India’s entertainment capital, Mumbai is set to host Partido (EDM) fest on May 31, 2013. The event in the city will bring together many legendary names in the world of music entertainment to entertain those booking tickets on flights during the fest.
Mumbai’s Electronic Dance Music Fest to Tempt Musos
Foreign musos who have already made their bookings for tickets on flights arriving in Mumbai in the month of May are certainly up for a good time as India’s entertainment powerhouse is all set to host an electronic dance music (EDM) fest, Partido.
This landmark event will set the city on fire on May 31, 2013, revealed various online sources.
The one-day festival will feature many international DJs playing different musical genres. Some of the most prominent names who will entertain both local and out-of-state visitors with tickets aboard international flights bound to India include Dutch DJs, Richard Durand, and Allure, Russia-based Bobina and UK’s Paul Thomas.
Besides the headlining act by Richard Durand, popular Swiss DJ, Daniel Portman features in the much talked about line-up and will perform for crowds at the after party.
Organizers are pretty sure that the fascinating line up of popular acts from across the world and many more popular names on the same stage in India will be a treat for both local and out-of-state visitors spending on tickets for flights arriving in India.
It really makes sense to look for last-minute tickets onboard flights to the city and be a part of an initiative that is sure to take the world by storm!