Businesses are again choosing flights to India in order to use the destination as somewhere to conduct business and meetings, it has been claimed.
Businesses are again choosing flights to India in order to use the destination as somewhere to conduct business and meetings, it has been claimed.
Gill Upton, editor of The Business Travel magazine, said that while the country did undoubtedly see a decline in visitor numbers after the terrorist attacks last year, this seems to have improved now and businesses are again sending their executives there.
“Businesses do have to clinch deals and go to face to face meetings to sort out contracts. India is a huge growing commercial machine now and you can’t ignore [it],” she pointed out.
This opinion follows comments from Ken McLeod, director of corporate at Advantage Business Travel Management, earlier this month.
He said that while companies will be looking for new ways to save money during the credit crunch, they will not cut out business travel altogether, continuing to send representatives abroad in order to promote their names.