A forthcoming James Bond novel could encourage fans to take flights to Dubai.

A forthcoming James Bond novel could encourage fans to takeĀ flights to Dubai.

Best-selling author Jeffery Deaver has confirmed that the emirate state will feature in the new book entitled Carte Blanche.

He told Gulf News that it was the perfect setting for a thriller and offers a unique background to the spy’s activities.

“When I thought about the setting for the new book, I thought immediately about Dubai,” said Mr Deaver.

“Not only is it an incredibly fun, wonderful and exhilarating place, but it retains at its heart an exotic core. I travel a great deal … There are not as many exotic locations as there used to be,” he added.

The book is scheduled to be released in May in the UK and will be published by Hodder & Stoughton in the UK and Simon & Schuster in the US. Dubai could be used for filming if the novel is turned into an official 007 movie.

Written by Alex Cochrane

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