Mumbai could soon be hosting its own Formula 1 races as discussions are held into creating a circuit.

 Fans of Formula 1 motor racing could be looking to book flights to Mumbai in the coming years as the city discussing the possibility of creating a circuit.

Capita Symonds, the company behind the London Olympic stadium and the new layout of the Silverstone race track, have won the contract to work on planning a route around the Indian city for the race.

Working in consortium with Populous and Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System, it has been appointed by the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation to work on the multipurpose route and regeneration.

Once the potential locations for the circuit have been identified, a business plan will be created to work on creating the new motorsports venue.

People who are fans of comics recently headed on flights to Mumbai to visit its first ever Comic Con India event, which followed the success of a similar event earlier in the year in Delhi.

Written by Ruth Norris

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