Before getting cheap flights to India and heading off on holiday, travellers should make sure they have had all the right vaccinations.

Those planning on taking advantage of discount flights to exotic and far-flung destinations need to make sure they have considered all the vaccines they may need for their trip.An article in the Daily Mail noted that the news that pop star Cheryl Cole is suffering from malaria shows the importance of “being prepared” for trips to exotic locations.

Such advice may be applicable to those taking cheap flights to India and speaking to the source, Frances Tuke from ABTA – The Travel Association said that travellers should visit a healthcare professional six to eight weeks before jetting off.

“As we become more familiar with travelling to more exotic destinations, we can forget there are different types of risks that we need to be aware of,” she said.

Cole is thought to have contracted the disease on a recent trip to Tanzania with her dancing partner in her Parachutes video, Derek Hough.

Written by Erin Marshall

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